LetsEncrypt Bug
Incident Report for Status for Fathom Analytics
Two customers using our old custom domain system (deprecated last year) ran into issues with SSL certificates being revoked by LetsEncrypt, our old certificate provider.

We looked into it and it was widespread, affecting everything who hasn't moved to the new custom domain infrastructure. This had a huge impact across the web, and affected 2.7 million websites, not just Fathom customers using the old infrastructure.

As soon as we were made aware of this issue, we started working with Caddy founder, Matt Holt, to come up with a solution and re-issue the certificates.

There may have been a slight drop in traffic for anyone using our old custom domain solution, and we apologize for that. This was out of our hands completely and we moved as swiftly as possible.

On a related note, nobody should be using our old custom domain solution. We have a brand new, globally distributed, rapid-fast custom domain solution that we launched last year. We will likely maintain the old infrastructure for the rest of 2022, but we really do advise that you move ASAP.
Posted Feb 01, 2022 - 00:00 PST